When you move into your student halls of residence, you may want to add your own personal touch to your room to make it feel like your own. Need some inspiration before you get started? Keep reading for ideas of all the things you can use to decorate your bedroom on campus.
Pretty plants
Whether you prefer colorful flowers or trailing green plants, these are perfect to add a bit of colour and life to your bedroom. Artificial plants are especially ideal, as there is zero maintenance, they are affordable and many look just as pretty as the real deal. If you pride yourself in being a great plant parent and will remember to water them, the best houseplants include:
Often the bed takes up most of the space in a room, so your choice of bedding is one of the easiest ways to add a bit of colour and pattern into your own space. Adding blankets and cushions is also a great way to make it more homely and comfortable. You’ll appreciate getting back into a nicely made bed with a stylish duvet after a busy day!
Photos of family/friends
If you are missing your friends and family, looking at photos of them will bring you comfort. You could have the photos in frames, pinned to a pinboard or strung across your room on decorative string. This also adds colour and will remind you of happy memories. Don’t forget to leave a bit of space for photos of the new friends you will make.
Mood lighting
Adding some feature lighting into your university bedroom can add a bit of ambience and brighten up the space. By adding a bedside lamp or desk lamp you will have some extra light, perfect for evenings you want to study in your room. You could also think about adding fairy lights or coloured strip lighting, to change the brightness and even the colour of your room, depending on your preference.
Small decorations
Adding reed diffusers, vases and decorative art are all great ways to show off your style and make your space more homely. Reed diffusers are also a brilliant way to make your space smell lovely all day long, so they are a win-win!
Now you’ve read through our top tips, how will you show off your personality and decorate your student bedroom? We hope you enjoy your time as a residential student at University Centre Reaseheath and settle into your accommodation in no time.
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