Dr Vicki Senior

Lecturer and Course Manager

Vicki completed her PhD in woodland insect ecology and climate change at the University of Sheffield. Vicki also holds an MSc in Wildlife Management, in which her research focused on developing a novel method for sampling insect populations. Vickis research interests include conservation and ecology, but particularly woodland and urban environments and invertebrate ecology. Vicki has completed fieldwork in the UK on a range of species and on dolphins and turtles in Kenya.


Research Interests and Publications

  • Climate change impacts on wildlife.
  • Overwintering insects.
  • Ecological entomology.
  • Conservation & wildlife management.


Senior, V.L., Botham, M. and Evans, K.L., 2021. Experimental simulations of climate change induced mismatch in oak and larval development rates impact indicators of fitness in a declining woodland moth. Oikos130(6), pp.969-978.

Senior, V.L., Evans, L.C., Leather, S.R., Oliver, T.H. and Evans, K.L., 2020. Phenological responses in a sycamore‐aphid‐parasitoid system and consequences for aphid population dynamics: a 20‐year case study. Global Change Biology.

Animal Science Courses

Animal Science

Cert HE Animal Management (Behaviour and Welfare)

1 Year


Animal Science

Cert HE Zoo Management

1 Year


Animal Science

BSc (Hons) Applied Zoology with Placement Year

4 Years


Animal Science

BSc (Hons) in Applied Zoology 

3 Years


Animal Science

BSc (Hons) in Veterinary Nursing

4 Years


Access to Higher Education

Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Studies)

1 Year


Animal Science

BSc (Hons) Zoo Management (Top-Up)

1 Year


Animal Science

Foundation Degree Zoo Management

2 Years


Animal Science

Foundation Degree in Animal Management (Behaviour and Welfare)

2 Years


Animal Science

BSc (Hons) Animal Management (Behaviour and Welfare) (Top-Up)

1 Year


Animal Science

BSc (Hons) in Animal Behaviour & Welfare (Including Foundation Year)

4 Years


Animal Science

BSc (Hons) in Animal Behaviour & Welfare

3 Years
